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Trust Our 125+ Years Of Food Expertise

In 1891, George A. Hormel founded the Hormel Foods company in Austin, Minnesota, USA. What began in a small, agricultural-based community, has now grown to become a thriving, multinational, Fortune 500 food corporation. Today, our depth of knowledge supports distributors, operators, importers, partners and culinary professionals in over 75 countries – as we remain true to our founder’s legacy of innovation, quality and integrity.

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FROM 20,000

When you choose Hormel Foodservice International products, you are tapping into a support system that is 20,000-people strong: food scientists, chefs, market and product specialists, logistics planners, and dedicated customer support personnel who are ready to help you, right now. We can answer questions, recommend products, and share ideas to help you solve your greatest challenges.

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Innovation drives our growth. With our world-class R&D team, we deliver new solutions such as our revolutionary fully cooked bacon, our high performing toppings and our authentic American style barbeque. Most importantly, we listen to you – this helps us provide smart, relevant ideas that work in your operation.

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Share our Food Journey

Being closely aligned with our parent corporation, Hormel Foods, we are genuinely inspired to make great foods while being good stewards of our planet. Witness our true passion and spirit in this powerful, globally-conscious video.

Our Mission Is To Support You

We are driven to create food solutions. Helping chefs and other foodservice professionals is critical to our mission. We offer incredible resources combined with local expertise and support. Our sales consultants are ready to talk about your regional food trends – and ideas for your specific menu.


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www .hormelinternationalfoodservice .com/au